Unlocking the Potential of Service Consumption in China: A Deep Dive into the "培育-融合-激活" Strategy

Meta Description: This article explores the "培育-融合-激活" strategy outlined by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) to boost service consumption in China, examining its implications for businesses and consumers alike.

The Chinese government is making a strategic push to invigorate service consumption – and it's not just about boosting spending. It's about building a more vibrant, innovative, and ultimately prosperous economy. The NDRC's "培育-融合-激活" strategy, unveiled in a recent press conference, lays out a three-pronged approach to unleash the transformative power of service consumption in China. This strategy is more than just a roadmap for economic growth; it's a blueprint for a future where consumers are empowered, businesses thrive, and innovation takes center stage.

培育: Nurturing New Growth Engines

The "培育" (cultivate) aspect of the strategy emphasizes creating fertile ground for growth in the service sector. This means fostering a dynamic ecosystem where innovation and digital transformation are the driving forces. The government is taking a proactive stance by:

  • Prioritizing Digitalization and Intelligence: The NDRC's focus on digitalization and intelligent solutions for service consumption is a clear signal of its commitment to modernizing the sector. This means leveraging technologies like AI, big data, and the Internet of Things (IoT) to enhance customer experiences, optimize operations, and create new consumption models.
  • Launching the "百佳消费新场景" Campaign: This initiative, aimed at identifying and promoting "100 Best Consumer New Scenes," will showcase the most innovative and impactful service consumption experiences across various industries. This campaign will serve as a platform for sharing best practices, encouraging collaboration, and propelling the development of cutting-edge service models.
  • Facilitating Policy Implementation: The NDRC is committed to ensuring that its policies translate into tangible results on the ground. This involves close coordination with relevant government departments and agencies to streamline implementation processes, address potential hurdles, and accelerate the adoption of new technologies and business models.

融合: Synergy and Convergence for Multiplied Impact

The "融合" (fusion) element of the strategy underscores the importance of cross-industry collaboration and integration. It's about creating synergy between different sectors to generate a more cohesive and dynamic service consumption landscape. The government is pushing for:

  • Cross-Sectoral Integration: The strategy envisions a future where services seamlessly integrate across sectors like commerce, transportation, culture, tourism, and sports. This means creating interconnected experiences that cater to diverse consumer needs and preferences. Imagine a scenario where a customer can book a flight, reserve a hotel room, and arrange local tours all within a single platform.
  • Advanced Manufacturing and Service Integration: The strategy calls for a closer relationship between advanced manufacturing and modern services. This means leveraging the strengths of each sector to create innovative products and services that cater to evolving consumer demands. For example, a car manufacturer could offer personalized vehicle maintenance services, or a technology company could develop smart home solutions that integrate seamlessly with home appliances.
  • Rural Development through Integration: The strategy emphasizes the role of service consumption in rural revitalization. By promoting the integration of primary, secondary, and tertiary industries in rural areas, the government aims to create new opportunities for growth and employment. This could involve developing agritourism experiences, establishing online platforms for rural products, or promoting e-commerce initiatives to connect rural producers with urban consumers.

激活: Unleashing the Power of Entrepreneurship

The "激活" (activate) component of the strategy is all about fostering an environment where businesses can thrive and innovate. This means creating a level playing field that encourages entrepreneurship, supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and empowers businesses to focus on delivering exceptional customer experiences. The government plans to:

  • Building a World-Class Business Environment: The strategy emphasizes the importance of creating a market-oriented, rule-of-law-based, and internationally competitive business environment. This involves reducing administrative burdens, improving regulatory frameworks, and ensuring fair and transparent competition.
  • Empowering Private Enterprises: The government is committed to supporting the growth of private enterprises, particularly in the service sector. This includes providing financial support, simplifying access to resources, and creating a more favorable regulatory environment.
  • Promoting Innovation and Branding: The strategy encourages businesses to embrace innovation, develop unique brand identities, and focus on delivering exceptional customer experiences. This involves supporting research and development, fostering collaboration between businesses and universities, and promoting the adoption of new technologies.


The "培育-融合-激活" strategy represents a significant shift in thinking about service consumption in China. It's not just about encouraging spending; it's about creating a dynamic ecosystem that fosters innovation, empowers consumers, and drives sustainable economic growth. The success of this strategy hinges on the government's ability to effectively implement its policies, create a favorable business environment, and encourage collaboration between businesses and consumers. This is a journey that requires a collective effort from all stakeholders, and the potential rewards are immense.


1. How will the "培育-融合-激活" strategy impact businesses in China?

The strategy will create a more favorable environment for businesses, particularly in the service sector. This includes access to new market opportunities, support for innovation, and simplified regulatory processes. Businesses will need to adapt to the changing landscape by embracing digitalization, pursuing cross-industry collaborations, and focusing on delivering exceptional customer experiences.

2. What are the key benefits of this strategy for consumers in China?

Consumers will benefit from a wider range of innovative and personalized service offerings, seamless experiences across different sectors, and increased access to quality goods and services. The strategy also aims to improve the overall quality of life for consumers by promoting rural development, enhancing public services, and fostering a more inclusive and equitable society.

3. How will the government ensure the successful implementation of this strategy?

The government will play a key role in coordinating policy implementation, providing financial support, and creating a conducive business environment. The strategy also calls for a collaborative approach involving businesses, consumers, and academic institutions to ensure that its goals are met.

4. What are some examples of specific initiatives that will be undertaken under this strategy?

Specific initiatives include the "百佳消费新场景" campaign, which will promote innovative service consumption experiences, and the development of digital platforms to connect consumers with rural producers. The government will also invest in infrastructure upgrades, promote the adoption of new technologies, and encourage the development of specialized skills in the service sector.

5. What are the potential challenges in implementing this strategy?

Challenges include ensuring effective coordination between different government agencies, building a robust digital infrastructure, and fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration. It will also be important to address potential concerns about data privacy and security, as well as the need to ensure that the benefits of the strategy are shared equitably across different regions and socioeconomic groups.

6. What are the long-term implications of this strategy for China's economy?

The "培育-融合-激活" strategy has the potential to transform China's economy by unleashing the power of service consumption, creating new growth opportunities, and driving innovation. This will lead to a more sustainable and resilient economy, with a greater focus on quality of life, environmental sustainability, and social equity.


The "培育-融合-激活" strategy represents a bold vision for the future of service consumption in China. It's a strategy that recognizes the transformative power of innovation, collaboration, and consumer empowerment. By implementing this strategy effectively, China can unlock the full potential of its service sector, create a more dynamic and prosperous economy, and improve the lives of its citizens. The journey will not be without its challenges, but the rewards of a thriving service consumption ecosystem are immense.